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News, 03.07.2024

„We Are Here: Young Gaza on Stage“

Filmvorführung (open air, in english)
Wo: hofkino.berlin
Wann: 8.7.2024, 19.45 Uhr
Still from „We Are Here: Young Gaza On Stage“

The film accompanies a group of young actors from the Ashtar Theater in Gaza, who are to perform their play „The Gaza Monologues“ about the war experiences of teenagers for the first time in Ramallah in the West Bank. The play has already been performed by many other groups around the world, including at the UN headquarters in New York. Only the actors from Gaza were never able to show their own play anywhere else because they were not allowed to leave Gaza. The invitation to Ramallah presents a new opportunity.

Documentary, dir. Sabrina Dittus, Palestine/Germany, 2016, 55 Min., Ar./En. with En. ST

8. Juli 2024: 19.45 Uhr


Franz-Mehring-Platz 1

10243 Berlin

For Free – First Come, First Serve.