CURRENT #3, forthcoming
Interview with Friederike Habermann
gemeine stadt ("common city"): unrest/s, dec. 2023
Interview with Ellen Gomes
gemeine stadt („common city“): environmental justice, oct. 2022
Conversation about collective feminist practice
gemeine stadt ("common city"): collectives, april 2022
A critique by Sabrina Dittus
Article, 2019
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2015
Table Talk with Sabrina Dittus and Christian Nowatzky
Berlin: Urban Prayers Congress, 2013
Adé Bantu in Conversation with Sabrina Dittus, 2013
“Unrest/s in the Common City”
CURRENT #3, forthcoming
The pandemic and its consequences, but also the ever-escalating emergencies of war, rampant climate change and the general crises of fossil fuel capitalism, buffet us with a media-amplified torrent of ever-catastrophic scenarios. The current crises (“polycrisis”) manifest themselves in social struggles, in the intensification of social and economic inequality, and in the increase in violence, even in institutional structures. Fears and insecurities permeate society and individual bodies, to be felt either as tensions or exhaustion: unrest is in the air, according to our diagnosis. And it can give rise to a state of unrest. (full text follows after publication)
CURRENT – KUNST UND URBANER RAUM (ART & URBAN SPACE) is a transdisciplinary festival for arte in the urban space in Stuttgart.
Its 2nd edition was devoted to the subject “Stay Agitated!” (14.09. – 24.09.2023 ), Subsequently the CURRENT Magazin #3 will be published, presumably september 2024.